Izindaba Zezimboni
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- Isingeniso: Njengoba abantu abaningi futhi abaningi beqaphela umthelela ukukhetha kwabo okunemvelo, bafuna ezinye izindlela ezingenama-ezinzile nezinamanyala ezinyangeni zemikhiqizo yesikhumba yendabuko. Vegan leather is a great option that is not only better for the planet, but also durable and...Funda kabanzi
- Vegan leather is not leather at all. It is a synthetic material made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polyurethane. Lolu hlobo lwesikhumba lube cishe iminyaka engaba ngu-20, kepha manje seludumile ngenxa yezinzuzo zemvelo. The benefits of vegan leather are...Funda kabanzi
- Cork has been used for over 5,000 years as a way of sealing containers. I-Amphora, etholwe e-Efesu nokuthandana nekhulu lokuqala BCE yabekwa uphawu ngempumelelo ngesimilo se-cork ukuthi isenewayini. The ancient Greeks used it to make sandals and the ancient Chinese and Bab...Funda kabanzi
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- What is Cork Leather? Cork leather is made from the bark of Cork Oaks. I-Cork Oaks ikhula ngokwemvelo esifundeni saseMedithera eYurophu, esikhiqiza ama-80% e-cork emhlabeni, kepha ukhokho osezingeni eliphakeme manje selitshalwe eChina naseNdiya. Cork trees must be at least 25 years old before the bark...Funda kabanzi
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- Ngokugxila okukhulayo ezintweni zokusimama, izinhlobo eziningi kanye nezikhwama zezicathulo nezikhwama ziqala ukumbona futhi zisebenzise isikhumba se-vegan faux ngemikhiqizo yazo. More and more consumers are proud to buy products made from bio-based materials. As a professional supplier of the faux leather materials, t...Funda kabanzi
- 1 The food an...Funda kabanzi
- Isikhumba se-Mushroom silethwe inzuzo ethile enhle kakhulu. According to the latest data from Grand Vie...Funda kabanzi
- NgoJulayi 29, 2021 - UMnyango Wezolimo E-United State (U-USDA) ngaphansi kobhala wezentuthuko yasemakhaya Justin Maxson namuhla, ekukhunjulweni kwelebula yomkhiqizo we-USDA aqinisekisiwe, wembula ukuhlaziywa komthelela wezomnotho kwemikhiqizo yase-US Biobased Products Products. ...Funda kabanzi